The University of Southern Mississippi (USM) has recently formed the Center for Molecular and Cellular Biosciences. The Center is designed to enhance and synergize USM’s ongoing contributions to high-quality research in molecular biosciences and biotechnology. As a newly designated R1 research intensive institution, it is critical to build areas of strength that will enhance the visibility of the research enterprise at USM by obtaining more research grants, publishing more high-quality research articles, and providing high quality education and research opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students.


The Center is built upon the existing strength in elucidating fundamental biological questions at the molecular and cellular levels, developing biotechnology avenues via genetic engineering and structure-based drug design including stem cell differentiation, HIV replication, mast cell degranulation, RNA biology, pathogen-host interaction to neurodegenerative and vector-borne diseases.


Congratulations to The University of Southern Mississippi and their faculty on the creation of the Center for Molecular and Cellular Biosciences.