Congratulations to Dr. Alex Flynt, Associate Professor at USM and Mississippi INBRE Imaging Facility Director on his recent CAREER award from the National Science Foundation. This five-year award of approximately $1.1M aims to aid the Gulf of Mexico’s oyster fisheries by guiding “biotechnological strategies to develop and generate desirable traits, such as disease resistance, in a manner that does not create genetically modified organisms.”
Dr. Flynt’s research will benefit students through the development of classes that provide inquiry-based laboratory experiences. This will also benefit the oyster industry and the health of Mississippians by possibly developing traits to make shellfish safer for consumption.
To learn more about this research, check out the link.
This research will be a continuation of previous Mississippi INBRE-funded research.
Congratulations, Dr. Flynt! We look forward to seeing how your research benefits students and Mississippians in the future.