Dr. Tammy Greer, Mississippi IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) Telenutrition Center Investigator and Director of the Center for American Indian Research and Studies (CAIRS) at The University of Southern Mississippi (USM), was recently awarded the Area/Regional Impact Award by the National Indian Health Board at the 39th annual National Tribal Health Conference held in Washington, D.C on September 28, 2022.
The award pays tribute to an individual or organization whose work has contributed to improving American Indian/Alaska Native health care or has affected change on an area or regional basis. A member of the United Houma Nation of South Louisiana, Dr. Greer was recognized for her work to improve health disparities in the Mississippi and Louisiana American Indian community through her research efforts at the Mississippi INBRE Telenutrition Center and CAIRS, both housed on USM’s Hattiesburg, Miss. campus.
“I’m very honored to have received the award from The National Indian Health Board. The health disparities work that we are doing is far from over, but working with Tribal Nations of the Southeast has informed us, challenged us and built community in ways we would have never imagined. We are humbled, honored and feel privileged to be doing this work,” said Dr. Greer about winning the award.
Teaming up with Telenutrition Center Director Dr. Jennifer Lemacks, Dr. Greer’s research explores culturally adapted programs to improve lifestyle factors among tribal nations. Some of her many accomplishments include the development of CAIRS, multiple research projects and the establishment of the Medicine Wheel Garden on the USM Hattiesburg campus.
Congratulations to Dr. Greer.
The Mississippi INBRE Telenutrition Center is based at The University of Southern Mississippi’s Hattiesburg campus and aims to bridge health disparities for underserved communities in South Mississippi and surrounding areas. Our mission is to integrate community-engaged and technology-supported solutions to improve nutrition and related behaviors of Mississippians and address preventable chronic disease disparities.
CAIRS facilitates partnerships between the faculty of Southern Miss and regional tribal governments in order to better serve the needs of the American Indian people in Mississippi.