Increasing Minority Access to Graduate Education (IMAGE)
Increasing Minority Access to Graduate Education is an organization geared to encourage and promote academic achievement and professional development for minorities in STEM majors. Our mission is to connect minority students through peer mentoring, professional networking opportunities, and social programming. I.M.A.G.E. fosters a positive environment that promotes scholastic excellence, civic engagement, and personal growth.
Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students (MAPS)
MAPS (Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students) is a nationally recognized organization under the larger organization SNMA (Student National Medical Association) open to all undergraduate classifications of Pre-medical related track minorities. Pre-Medical related tracks include but not limited to: Pre-Medical, Pre-Pharmacy, Nursing, PT/OT, Exercise Science, Optometry, Neurology, etc. The scripted goals from section 2 of our constitution:
- To provide underrepresented pre-med students with knowledge, skills, and experience that are both prerequisite and concomitant to professional participation in health care fields
- To improve minority student matriculation into all professional health related programs, with an emphasis on medicine
- To encourage culturally conscious physicians by increasing awareness of issues that underrepresented communities face
This organization is an avenue of connecting pre-medical related minorities on campus while providing various opportunities that will aid in acceptance into a professional health school. By joining this organization, students will have opportunities such as shadowing, research, scholarships, and networking with local professionals and academic deans.